General Information
Capital: Tehran
Location: Asia [North: Caspian Sea & Azerbaijan & Armenia & Turkey & Turkmenistan | East: Afghanistan & Pakistan | West: Iraq | South: Arabian Sea]
Area: 1.648 Million Sq Km
GMT: + 3.5
Currency: 1 U.S. $ = 10343 Iranian Rial (January 2011)
Population: 76,923,300 (July 2010)
Climate: Mostly Dry | Sub-Tropical Along Caspian Coast
Languages: Persian | Persian Dialects | Turkic | Turkic Dialects | Kurdish
GDP: Purchasing Power Parity: $863.5 billion (2010)
Exports: Petroleum, Chemicals, Petrochemical Products, Carpets, Fruits, Nuts
Imports: Industrial Raw Materials, Intermediate Goods, Capital Goods, Foodstuffs, Consumer Goods, and Technical Services
Filing Requirements
• Filing Requirements:
The following documents and information are required for filing a trademark application in Iran:
Full name, address, phone and fax numbers, email address and nationality of the applicant(s), if the applicant(s) is a natural person. OR, Full name, address, phone and fax numbers, email address, field of activity, place of registration, number of registration and nationality of the applicant(s), if the applicant(s) is a legal entity.
Specification of goods and classes (according to the International Classification).
Twenty prints of the mark, 8 * 8 cm (except for marks in plain block letters).
Description of colors, if a color trademark is to be filed in Iran.
Front, top and side picture of a 3D mark with label, if a 3D trademark is to be filed in Iran.
We need the following documents within 60 days from filing the application:
A power of attorney signed by the applicant(s) and duly certified and legalized up to the Iranian Consulate.
A copy of passport of the applicant(s), if the applicant(s) is a natural person, OR a copy of Company Registration Document of the applicant(s), if the applicant(s) is a legal entity.
Certified copy of home registration (Priority) duly certified and legalized up to the Iranian Consulate, if claiming priority.
It is permitted to file trademark applications and obtain official filing receipt with filing number filing date without the above-requested documents which can be submitted within 2 months from filing date, which is extendable for two months only.
• Time Frame:
The market search in Tehran will take 1-2 weeks.
The approximate time frame for completing the registration process of a trademark is 6-8 months for straight forward case.
• Renewal Requirements:
A power of attorney signed by the applicant(s) and duly certified and legalized up to the Iranian Consulate.
Copy of the final registration certificate or last renewal certificate.
• Notes:
The validity of the trademark registration in IRAN is ten years as from the filing date . Thereafter, a trademark registration is renewable for further consecutive periods of ten years each.
The renewal fees of a trademark registration can be paid during the last 12 months of the current protection period. There are 6 months grace period within which a late renewal application can be filed, but such a late renewal application is subject to the payment of additional fees.
• Requirements for Recordal of Change of name/address/legal status:
A Power of Attorney Duly Notarized & Legalized up to the Iranian Consulate in the owner’s new name.
A copy (both sides if anything is indicated on overleaf) of the trademark registration/last renewal certificate.
A certificate showing the relevant change of Name/address legalized up to the Iranian Consulate.
• Requirements for Recordal of assignment, merger, or license:
A Power of Attorney on behalf of the assignee Duly Notarized & Legalized up to the Iranian Consulate.
A copy (both sides if anything is indicated on overleaf) of the trademark registration/last renewal certificate.
Deed of assignment Duly Notarized & Legalized up to the Iranian Consulate.
• Notes:
The Iranian Trademarks Registrar often requests applicants who file a separate application of additional classes of goods and services for existing registrations of the same mark to incorporate the additional classes into their previous registration. Therefore, it is recommended for any interested who have a registered mark in certain classes of goods/services and wishes subsequently to register the same trademark for different classes of goods/services to file a request for the addition of the concerned class of goods/services to the previous registration instead of a seeking a standalone registration.